
Business Entity Setup, Coaching, and Management

You can either buy an existing company or start a new one. First, decide what type of company structure (also called “business structure” and “business entity”) you prefer. Each type of company has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Business coaching is a great way to grow your business, whether you’re looking to start a local business or expand it internationally. Sometimes running a business can feel lonely. Business owners have the advantage of having a mentor who is experienced and can be trusted.

Consult our experts if you have any questions about your particular situation. Our experts are available to help you make the most of what can be difficult so that your focus is on the important things – growing your business and expanding into new markets.

Business Coaching and Consulting

You may have thought that business coaching was only for large corporations, but it is not suitable for small businesses. Is it possible for your company to benefit from small-business coaching? Absolutely. CIMA Advisory Group is so certain in its ability to assist you that we don’t ask you for any long-term contracts. The first call is completely free.

Two types of small business consulting programs are available: one-on-1 and group coaching. Each is not necessarily better than the other. Instead, business owners need to look at their goals and determine the best type of attention that will serve them. Your schedule, personality, and timeframes will all impact the type of coaching program that you choose. We are excited to help you succeed. Get in touch with our experts to find out how our remote and in-person programs can help you unleash the business genius in yourself. Schedule your complimentary consultation call now!

Educational courses and Training

Are you experiencing inconsistent revenue month to month? Do you want to find a better way of generating leads and sales? Are you tired of doing the same old things that don’t make a difference? You don’t have to search high and low for expert advice or support that is right for your business.

CIMA Advisory Group provides onsite and remote coaching and business consulting services for new startups and existing small- to medium-sized enterprises. Through customized business coaching, consulting, and courses, we help entrepreneurs to create and sustain entrepreneurial breakthroughs. We are committed to helping people make sound financial decisions through our financial literacy services. CIMA can help you keep ahead of the rest in an era of increased competition and noise. It provides clarity, direction, and unmatched feedback.

Digital Services coaching and management

An assessment of your company’s digital performance. This will help you to determine the potential to reach business goals and find new, more efficient ways to increase opportunities and outcomes. Training and coaching provide a complete guide to digital service transformation, including all technical, strategic, and operational elements. Learn how to transform your service business model to increase your competitive advantage.

Our coaching and management training sessions combine proven best practices with coaching. Our digital growth strategy management training will help me to discover new opportunities for business development and marketing in the digital landscape of Exports. It will also make me an expert on using these potentials as a strategic tool for my digital transformation. CIMA Advisory Group will support you in your Business Growth Strategies. A dedicated learning coach will be assigned to you, ensuring that you have an individualized learning experience. Get a free consultation today!

Business Formation Legal Paperwork

There are many valuable things startup entrepreneurs and companies need to get right the first time, simply because if you make a mistake now, you might be very sorry later. One of these critical determinants is the legal status you choose for your new enterprise. Based on your future business model, you might decide that you want to form a different type of corporation.

-Sole Proprietor
-S or C Corporation
-Nonprofit 501c (3)

But there is a simple explanation of the basic differences between them. We assist you with the information to make a smart decision based on your situation and needs, then help you get ahold of the right legal paperwork to file and the education you need to do it right. Remember, some things in business have to be done right the first time. And yes, there is a lot more to it, and you must study it thoroughly before deciding which route to take. 

Personalized Startup Business Coaching

CIMA Advisory Group believes in personalized one-on-one Business Coaching to keep you focused and prevent you from making the common mistakes most often made by startup companies. We will be there for you every step of the way. We will always be there for you as your business grows from just an idea to a full-scale business enterprise.

We can help you do more with your knowledge and talent by leveraging technology. We can assist you in putting together award-winning marketing and business plans. With a strong business plan, a solid strategy, and a foundation of knowledge of your potential market, industry, and regional economic conditions, you will be able to get the money you need to capitalize on your business.  

Moreover, if you need help securing a business loan, CIMA Advisory Group can help with loan preparation and documentation and provide a small list of potential small business lending sources. 

Tax Planning & Preparation

Most people and small businesses only think about taxes once per year, but it should be a constant planning process throughout the year. In fact, now is an excellent time to look carefully at next year’s tax liability and your subsequent 5-year potential tax liability. What you do today, this month, this quarter, and this year will affect your long-term financial strategy.  

Well, you might say that tax planning is the art and science of arranging your financial affairs to keep more of the money you’ve earned. All you have to do is understand the laws and tax codes and figure out how to achieve your business goals in a way that simultaneously allows you to pay less in taxes. That’s where CIMA Advisory Group comes in and why it is wise to schedule a free initial tax planning consultation at your earliest possible convenience.

Strategic Marketing & Growth Planning

Without a strategic marketing plan, your business is missing sales. Without sales, your business will eventually run out of money and fail. What does a Strategic Marketing Plan include? Well, it can be as simple as a set of goals and objectives, and a list of things you will need to do so your business achieves those goals. It can be so complex and comprehensive that it affects every aspect of your business. The ladder is recommended. 

Many startup entrepreneurs think they can use social media to build a solid customer base and let it grow from there, only to find out later that they aren’t making enough money to stay in business. Although reaching out to potential customers online with social media is a must in this day and age, it cannot be your marketing activity. Yes, you will need, at minimum, an attractive website, and yes, CIMA Advisory Group can assist you there with building a website, SEO content, and an online sales strategy, but really that’s just a start.

On-going Business Education

Why is ongoing business education so important for entrepreneurs and business people? The reason is simple; everything around us is changing all the time, and those changes happen very fast in business. In fact, our government understands this and, thus, requires ongoing education for licensed professionals to maintain their licenses. Today things are happening so fast that it’s hard to keep up with it all. As an entrepreneur, you had better keep up, or you will be left in your competition’s cloud of dust.

At CIMA Advisory Group, we understand the need for continuing and ongoing business education. That’s why we continue to deliver a mixture of both; old-school wisdom and keep you updated with the latest changes in technology, marketing, business, and industry. We know the benefits of keeping you up-to-date on new laws, regulations, and changes in the World of Business because Einstein was right, and his wisdom is even more so today; The Only Constant is Change. Embrace it. 

Strategic Planning

When it comes to the success of our business – failure is not an option. So, we must have a plan and a solid one. Of course, having a plan isn’t enough because everything around us is in a constant state of flux, always changing. Thus, we must constantly be in the planning process.

As your business grows, you will need advanced marketing plans, training manuals, and a myriad of tools to get to the next level. If you are shooting for the moon, you need a team behind you that believes in you and will be there for you every step. 

CIMA Advisory Group understands this, and we are here to help you with your planning process, giving you tax planning reviews and updates, and ready to review your books. We are ready to help you make those tough decisions – when to expand, how to grow, and when to wait. We help you gauge how new laws might affect your bottom line and stay on top of your regulatory compliance. 

Tax Planning

If you find it hard to understand the tax code, you are certainly not alone. Maybe it’s time for a bit of Tax Planning to see which tax cuts benefit you and how you can optimize your tax strategy this year – you might be pleasantly surprised. Each year at CIMA Advisory Group, we do 100s and 100s of tax returns for small businesses, corporations, and individuals. We aren’t sure if that means we are supposed to be smarter than Albert Einstein, but we do know – the more tax returns we do – the better we get at tax planning strategies. 

If you’d like to schedule a meeting with the CIMA Advisory Group, we can do a short Tax Planning consultation on all the new tax law changes related to your business. We’d be glad to sit down and explain it to you. Let us simplify some of these new provisions and help you decrease your tax liability. 

Bookkeeping Services

Are you challenged with in-house bookkeeping in your business? Do you have up-to-date financial statements and knowledge of your immediate and near-term cash flow situation? You need this information when it comes to tax planning, business purchases, and growing your company. Come tax time next year; you’ll be glad you have it all under control. Remember, information is power; you need full power to take your business to new heights. Let us know if we can be of assistance here too.

CIMA Advisory Group can help you put it all together and help you keep it together. We think Albert Einstein would approve help you put order back into your Universe.  

Business Fundraising

Businesses need money to grow, whether from; loans, investments, or out of cash flow. At some point in your business, you will see additional opportunities uniquely positioned to take advantage of. Still, only one problem – you won’t have the cash flow needed to take advantage of these golden opportunities.

We can help you develop advanced business and marketing plans and help you hone your pitch to Angle Investors or Venture Capitalists for phase II financing. Suppose you decide to use conventional financing business loans. In that case, we can help you prepare a loan request package for a regional business bank—everything your banker needs to get through the bank’s loan committee for approval. Contact CIMA Advisory Group today. We can sit down and talk, figure out what you want, and get the capital you need to win.

Personal Wealth Management Education

How often have you heard the story about an entrepreneur who made millions of dollars to lose it all? Why is this so common? Well, because making money is a lot easier than keeping it. 

It’s simple, making money and protecting your wealth are two very different skill sets, and you need to learn how to do both. We want you to learn personal wealth management strategies so you can keep your first million – and then go on to create more wealth for yourself and your family. The best time to learn this is now.

If you haven’t made a million dollars yet, you need to know how to keep it in advance. If you’ve made a million dollars, it would be a travesty to watch it all slip away. No matter who you are, now is an excellent time to educate yourself on personal wealth management. Let us show you how to keep the wealth you’ve created the first time.